Glasgow AFB - Boeing Photo
Photos below were taken September 28, 1999 while enroute to and at the old Ammo/Rocket Motor
Storage Facility. Until recently the condo developer allowed use of this facility for personal
use of condo homeowners. I selected an empty bunker and used it to store empty shipping boxes and
accumulation from our garage. As far as I know, my padlock is still on the bunker although the
developer put out a notice disclaiming any liability for personal use of the facility. The Glasgow AFB flightline and base facilities are now the property of Boeing and were used periodically for testing of Boeing aircraft. Boeing supposedly closed the airport at the end of 2001 as a cost saving measure, but I observed aircraft using the facility during the summer of 2002. The Glasgow AFB facility is managed by a Boeing affiliate, Montana Air Research Company (MARCO) and access to the facility is restricted, posted, and guarded by on-site MARCO personnel. Since the beginning of our residence in March 1992, I have always respected the access restrictions, hence photos of base facilities are from a distance. Boeing and MARCO maintain an office somewhere near the flightline but I have never seen it. During our residence in 2003 I hope to be more aggressive in obtaining closeup photos of Glasgow AFB. I'm sure they will grant escorted access for that purpose if I would put the request in writing. MARCO security reside at the old Nurses Quarters near the hospital. When out walking on 5th and F Streets, I usually observe them doing their patrols and we often exchange friendly waves. Boeing and MARCO maintain the facility in good condition, as far as I can tell. I often observe contracted workcrews doing street and building repairs. MARCO also maintains the water treatment plant at the base end of the water pipeline from Fort Peck. Two or three years ago, Leon Pearce, a friend, neighbor, and fellow homeowner, drove his pickup on one storage bunker visit and we noticed a car at the water treatment plant. Leon drove right on over there and we went right inside where we found one MARCO employee apparently taking water samples. The MARCO employee (I can't recall his name) showed us through the whole facility and explained the workings of the water system. A computer was used to monitor the status of the various booster pumps along the pipeline. Huge tanks hold the water pumped through the pipeline and treated before being pumped on to the North Valley County Water and Sewer District (NVCWSD) and base water tanks. As I understand it, at some time in the future, the operation of the water treatment plant and water system is to become the responsibility of NVCWSD. As of now, NVCWSD pays Boeing/MARCO for all the water pumped into their huge elevated tank on 5th Street. NVCWSD in turn, charge their subscribers for water and sewer usage.
June 2003 Activity at
Glasgow AFB
Reg Clemons Remembers Glasgow AFB |
The B-47 Stratojet Association
B-52 Patches of the Month
A Salute to Glasgow AFB
(Thanks to Fred Bacon)
B-52 Patches of the Month
A Salute to Glasgow AFB & McCoy AFB (Vietnam)
Guard Dogs of Vietnam (one was from Glasgow AFB)
We Got Mail!!! |
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Hope you enjoy the music.
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