Flann Family History 1823-1971

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Mamie and Fred Westling left Lake Lillian in the spring of 1900. Their daughter Hazel was born in Lacombe, Alberta on April 10, 1900, so they must have arrived about that time. I have heard Mother say she was not sure she would make it to the end of the railroad in time. They went out about 18 miles east and a little north of Lacombe took up a homestead and settled down.

The first Post Office was Urguhart Northwest Territory. Then in 1905 the Province was formed and the name changed to Valley City, Alberta. Then in 1909 the railroad went through a mile south of the Post Office and they changed the name again to the present name Clive, Alberta. The store, Post Office and Creamery moved the mile to the railroad and a town was formed.

The Lutheran Church was built in 1903 by all the families in a 10 mile area. All donated labor and a lot of the lumber. The Church is still in good shape and used every week. Mother and Dad were Charter Members.

Fred Westling was a Carpenter by trade. He built most of the buildings in the district. When the school district was formed, Dad was the first Secretary-Treasurer and stayed for many years. The district was called Westling.

In 1910 Mother and I went to Lake Lillian for Christmas. Mother's father, Halvor was not very well so we stayed until the end of January 1911. Then home to find the telephone installed in our house. A very big surprise for Mom as Dad never told her. She would not have gone to Lake Lillian and spent all that money. The first car they bought was a 1919 Model T.

Contributed by Ernst Westling - Son of Mamie Flann Westling.

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